Campus Spotlight Day Guide

Campus Spotlight Day Guide

Thank you for helping us spread the word about Vote Early Day for our Campus Spotlight Day (Tuesday, August 22) alongside other student groups, colleges, universities, and organizations dedicated to lifting up young voices. This holiday provides a tentpole moment for you to energize students on your campus and empower them to make their voices heard. With your help, we can bring more groups into this movement and give them the tools to get students in communities across the country voting early.

This action guide includes social media graphics, sample social posts, a sample recruitment email, talking points for peer-to-peer outreach, and access to our campus-specific toolkit—everything you need to reach out to other organizations in your circle and bring them on board!


Make sure to tag us @voteearlyday so we can amplify your posts!


Use these social media graphics on Tuesday August 22 to encourage other organizations to be part of the Vote Early Day movement! Post these graphics on your social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc) and spread the word far and wide about how other campus and student groups can get involved.

Click on the image to download!

Campus Spotlight Day Version #1
Campus Spotlight Day No Picture #1
Campus Spotlight Day Version #2
Campus Spotlight Day No Picture #2
High School Partners Spotlight
Campus Spotlight Day No Picture #3
College/University Partners Spotlight
Campus Spotlight Day No Picture #4

Sample Social Media Posts & Stories

Use this sample social copy to go alongside one of our graphics (or one of your own) to encourage other campus and student groups to join you in celebrating Vote Early Day!

Instagram/Facebook Story

Text above the graphic: We’re celebrating @voteearlyday this fall!

[Graphic: Share our post from @voteearlyday or use one of the graphics above]

Text below the graphic: …and you should too!

Use the link sticker to post this link and give it the name “Sign Up Today!”:

Announcement Post

🚨 Today is the @voteearlyday Campus Spotlight Day! 🚨

We are proud to announce that we will be joining the celebration to help millions of Americans vote early on October 26, and you should too! Learn more about Vote Early Day and sign up to celebrate here: 

Here’s why we’re celebrating:

📖 When students cast their ballot early, they have more options and flexibility to fit voting into their busy schedules

🎒 A Vote Early Day celebration makes it fun and exciting to cast a ballot, which lowers the barriers to entry for first-time voters

🎉 It’s super easy to participate – Vote Early Day partners receive free materials, trainings, and more to help plan their celebrations

X Alternate:

Today is the @voteearlyday Campus Spotlight Day! We’re proud to share that we are joining the celebration to help millions of Americans vote early on October 26, and your organization should too!

Learn more and sign up here:

The Larger Movement Post

On October 26th, we will be celebrating @voteearlyday to empower students to cast their ballot ahead of Election Day. Learn more and get involved here: 

Thousands of businesses, nonprofits, civic organizations, and election offices are hosting events to help Americans vote early and make sure people’s voices are heard. So come on [your community], who will join us in empowering voters this fall? 

X Alternate:

On October 26th, we will be celebrating @voteearlyday to empower students in our community to cast a ballot early and make their voices heard. Join us and thousands of businesses, nonprofits, and election offices to help millions of Americans vote early. Learn more and sign up here:


Sample Recruitment Email

Use this email to reach out to other campus and student groups in your circle with an email blast to your listserv. This email is just a template—please feel free to personalize and share your personal reasons for celebrating Vote Early Day. Your perspective can be the most effective way to bring more groups into the movement!

Subject line: Opportunity for [Organization] to Celebrate Vote Early Day 2023!

Hello [Name]

I’m reaching out to ask [Organization] to join us in celebrating Vote Early Day this fall!

Learn more and sign up here: Celebrate Vote Early Day 2023

Vote Early Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrated by student groups, nonprofits, businesses, technology platforms, election administrators, media companies, influencers, and more. The goal of this movement is to give every voter the tools and knowledge to cast their ballot early. In addition to groups like [Organization], we are excited to celebrate with national campus voting advocates like Campus Vote Project, The ALL-IN Campus Democracy Challenge, and the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition.

When Americans vote early, we ensure that last-minute problems, polling place changes, voter disinformation, and confusing election laws can’t stop us from casting our ballot. Over 220 million Americans have options to vote ahead of Election Day by mail or in person, and we’re excited to be part of a movement that makes sure students at [your campus] have the tools they need to make their voices heard.

This year, Vote Early Day is scheduled for October 26th, the Thursday before Halloween. We decided to join this movement because [your personal reason].

Example: [The Example Campus decided to join this movement because we wanted to energize our students and get them excited to cast their ballot in this election, and Vote Early Day gave us the perfect opportunity to do just that!]

Why should you get involved?

  • When students cast their ballot early, they have more options and flexibility to fit voting into their busy schedules.
  • Vote Early Day builds fun and celebration around the act of casting a ballot, which lowers the barriers to entry for first-time voters.
  • It’s super easy to participate – Vote Early Day partners receive free materials, trainings, and more to help plan their celebrations.

This is an amazing opportunity to help [your campus] students, and we’d love to have [Organization] join us on October 26! You can learn more about Vote Early Day and sign up to be a partner here. 

The team at Vote Early Day is eager to help you plan your celebration! Please feel free to reach out to with any questions.

Thank you for considering!

All the best, 

[Insert Name]

Newsletter Blurb

This blurb is a quick intro to Vote Early Day. If your campus or student group sends out newsletters to administrators or to student leaders, this is a great way to spread the word about Vote Early Day and encourage them to bring their orgs into the movement!

Celebrate Vote Early Day 2023!

We are proud to announce that we will be celebrating Vote Early Day this fall along with hundreds of other campus partners across the nation. Today is Vote Early Day’s Campus Spotlight Day, so we want to share a bit about why we are excited to be part of this work and why we hope you’ll sign up too.

Learn More About Vote Early Day 2023!

Vote Early Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday made up of campuses, media companies, nonprofits, technology platforms, election administrators, influencers, businesses and many more to give voters the tools and knowledge they need to cast their ballot early. 

On Vote Early Day (Thursday, October 26), partner organizations create fun and engaging events designed to educate voters on their options to vote early and help them cast their ballot ahead of Election Day. We decided to join this movement because [your personal reason].

Example: [The Example Campus decided to join this movement because we wanted to energize our students and get them excited to cast their ballot in this election, and Vote Early Day gave us the perfect opportunity to do just that!]

Celebrating this holiday is simple and easy. You’ll get a campus-specific toolkit with all the tools you’ll need (social media posts/graphics, press releases, emails, activation ideas, and more) and you’ll also be mailed free stickers, posters, and educational postcards!

Learn more about Vote Early Day and sign up to be a partner here. Feel free to reach out to with any questions. 

Peer to Peer Outreach

If you’re connecting with a friend or colleague you know well, a quick personal note can go a long way in bringing them on board this movement! For some guidance about what to include in your pitch, check out our core messages guide. This includes background about Vote Early Day and some messaging tips about both voting early and  this holiday.


Campus Toolkit

Check out our Activation and Communication Toolkit built specifically for campuses. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to build an exciting activation for Vote Early Day, so we provide guidance and materials to help you out every step of the way. The toolkit has everything from print-at-home swag to sample press releases to social posts – take a look!

Campus Takeover

Looking for additional resources as you plan your celebrations for Vote Early Day and other civic holidays? Join Campus Takeover to get access to campus-specific webinars, materials, and support!

If you have encountered a problem with voting, please call this national nonpartisan hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE.