[DRAFT] Election Administrators and Government Officials Day of Action Guide

[DRAFT] Election Administrators and Government Officials Day of Action Guide

Thank you for your help bringing more election administrators into the Vote Early Day movement! This holiday helps empower voters, cut down on Election Day lines, and support the folks on the front lines of our democracy. With your help, we can let every election office across the country know how they can celebrate and get more people in their own communities to vote early.

This action guide includes social media graphics, sample social posts, a sample recruitment email, and access to our government-specific toolkit—everything you need to reach out to election administrators, individuals, and community organizations in your circle and bring them on board!

Social Media Graphics

Use these social media graphics to encourage other organizations to be part of the Vote Early Day movement! Post these graphics on your social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) and spread the word far and wide about how other election offices as well as nonprofits, businesses, and campus groups in your area can get involved.

Click the image to download!

Sample Social Caption(s)

Use this sample social copy to go alongside one of our graphics (or one of your own) to encourage other offices and community organizations to join the Vote Early Day movement!

I. Announcement


Today is Vote Early Day’s Election Administrator Day of Action, and we’re proud to share that our office will be joining the celebration to help millions of Americans vote early on October 28! Here’s why:

  • ✅Voting Early makes Election Day Easier for Voters and Poll Workers! 
  • ✅This Civic Holiday Provides an Important Opportunity to Educate Voters and Dispel Disinformation!
  • ✅Vote Early Day Partners Receive Access to Free Resources and Materials!

Learn more about Vote Early Day and sign up to celebrate here:


II. Recruitment

Are you a local business, government office, campus group, or nonprofit in [your community]  looking to empower voters in our community? Join the movement to celebrate Vote Early Day!

This holiday is the perfect opportunity to bring more people into the fold through a celebration that lowers the barriers to entry for our democracy 🗳Learn more and get involved here:


Sample Recruitment Email

Use this email to reach out to other government officials and election administrators in your circle. This email is just a template—please feel free to personalize and share your personal reasons for celebrating Vote Early Day. Your perspective can be the most effective way to bring more election administrators into the movement!

Subject line: Opportunity for [Government/Election Office] to Celebrate Vote Early Day 2022!

Hello [Name], 

I’m reaching out to ask the [Government/Election Office] to join [Your Office] in celebrating Vote Early Day this fall!

Vote Early Day is a civic holiday started by media companies, nonprofits, technology platforms, election administrators, influencers, and businesses to give voters the tools and knowledge they need to cast their ballot early in a fun and engaging way. This is a nonpartisan movement with bipartisan support from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and local election administrators across the country.

When Americans vote early, we ensure that last-minute problems, long lines at the polls, voter disinformation, and confusing election laws can’t stop us from casting our ballot. Over 220 million Americans have options to vote ahead of Election Day by mail or in person, and we’re excited to be involved in a movement that ensures voters have the tools they need to make their voices heard.

This year, Vote Early Day is scheduled for October 28th, the Friday before Halloween. We decided to join this movement because [your personal reason].

Example: The Example County Clerk’s Office decided to join this movement because we wanted to connect with local businesses and community groups for this election, and Vote Early Day gave us the perfect opportunity to do just that!

Why should you get involved?

  • Make Election Day Easier for Voters and Poll Workers: When people vote early, shorter lines and less traffic helps Election Day run more smoothly for everyone involved. 
  • Educate Voters and Dispel Disinformation: Vote Early Day is an opportunity to educate voters about their options to vote early and counter ever-rising disinformation.
  • Get Access to Free Resources and Materials: Vote Early Day will provide you a government-specific Communication and Activation Toolkit that has step-by-step guidance and resources for planning your own celebration. Materials include sample social media posts and graphics, press releases, emails, activation ideas. They will also mail you free swag (including stickers, posters, and postcards) to expand your celebration.

ThisIt is an amazing opportunity to help [your community], and we’d love to have [Government/Election Office] join us on October 28! You can learn more about Vote Early Day and sign up to be a partner here. 

The team at Vote Early Day is eager to help you as you plan your celebration. Please feel free to reach out at info@voteearlyday.org.

Thank you for considering!

All the best, 

[Sender Name]

Governments and Election Offices Toolkit

Below is the link that brings you to the main web page for the Governments and Election Offices toolkit. If you become a Vote Early Day partner, making it as easy as possible for you to celebrate the day is a priority for us! With this toolkit, you can find guidance on how to build a successful and exciting activation along with links to helpful materials for every step along the way. The toolkit will walk you through the steps of thinking about your Vote Early Day celebration, building out the activation itself, publicizing the event to your community, and maintaining spirit even after Vote Early Day. And on top of all that, we will provide free swag and amazing online graphics for you to post on all of your social media!

If you have encountered a problem with voting, please call this national nonpartisan hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE.