Employees Empowering Voters Program

Employees Empowering Voters Program

Vote Early Day is excited to offer three exciting and impactful ways corporate partners can empower their employees to share their voices this fall. With a critical election just months away, these plans provide tangible ways for employers and employees to uplift the voters who need this information most.


Vote Early Day is a national day of action and celebration for our democracy. Thousands of businesses, nonprofits, election administrators, campus groups, and creatives unite each year to build activations that provide Americans with the tools and knowledge to overcome Election Day hurdles by voting early.

When we vote early, voters ensure last-minute problems, long lines at the polls, confusing election laws, or voter disinformation cannot prevent us from casting our ballots. Together, we can ensure every American’s voice is heard!

Created in 2020, Vote Early Day has engaged nearly 5,000 national and local partners, including MTV, Snapchat, Uber, PayPal, REI, United Way, The League of Women Voters, BET, and more. Through this diverse collaboration of partners, our message breaks through the political noise by meeting voters where they are. 

This year, Vote Early Day is celebrated on Tuesday, October 29, one week ahead of the most consequential election of our lifetime. This year’s celebration will be critical as partners help Americans share their voices on who will be elected president, who will represent us in Congress and Governors’ mansions, and vital ballot measures nationwide.


Lunch and Learn

Vote Early Day will provide a 30-minute presentation highlighting the importance of early voting and the ways they can ensure they and their community make their voices heard this fall.

The presentation will include:

  • Why early voting is important and impactful
  • Employees making their plan to vote
  • Employees encouraging three connections to vote (friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc.)


Each employee will leave with the following:

  • Detailed information on where they can vote early in their community (including options to vote early in person, vote by mail, or use a local dropbox)
  • A self-created plan to vote detailing where, when, and how they plan to cast their ballot
  • The warm feeling of being empowered to vote and sharing that with others

Email info@voteearlyday.org to sign up or learn more about this opportunity.

Text Outreach Campaign

Texting provides a tangible opportunity for employees to connect directly with voters. It is a simple task that requires very little training. In a few short minutes, each employee can contact thousands of voters to let them know about their opportunities to vote early leading up to or on Vote Early Day.

Employees will get access to an online texting platform where they will simply need to click a button to send out a pre-written text message. With a few quick clicks of the mouse, hundreds of voters will get information on how they can vote early. The team at Vote Early Day HQ will manage all follow-up questions and comments, so your team won’t have to be election experts. 

It’s a simple, straightforward program that drives traffic to the Vote Early Day website’s trusted election resources.

Email info@voteearlyday.org to sign up or learn more about this opportunity.

Celebrate Vote Early Day 

Businesses can significantly impact voter turnout by empowering customers to make their voices heard. As a business, your nonpartisan civic engagement efforts will help build trust in your brand. Celebrating Vote Early Day is a win-win for companies, customers, and democracy!

Did you know that if a company promotes democracy, 81% of people are likelier to buy its products and services? With critical elections this fall, businesses have a unique opportunity to make a significant impact by empowering employees and customers to make their voices heard. Celebrating Vote Early Day on October 29th is a win-win for your business and our democracy!

The goal of every Vote Early Day celebration is to help as many voters as possible take measurable steps toward casting their ballot in a fun and engaging atmosphere. We encourage each business partner to design a celebration that best fits the needs of their unique customer base. To make it as easy as possible for you to celebrate Vote Early Day, we have guidance on building a successful and exciting activation along with links to a comprehensive toolkit with every resource you will need along the way. Sign up and learn more at www.voteearlyday.org.

If you have encountered a problem with voting, please call this national nonpartisan hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE.