Business Sample Vote Early Day Posts

Business Sample Vote Early Day Posts


Use these sample posts with Vote Early Day graphics. Personalize these sample posts to your voice and share any other content you want to include about why you are voting early!

Be sure to check out our social media tips and tricks to learn best practices. Use #VoteEarlyDay and tag us (@VoteEarlyDay) in every post so we can amplify our national audience!

October 28 | Vote Early Day

Audience: general public, people attending your activation

Today’s the day! Share how you are celebrating Vote Early Day and make sure your audience makes their voices heard.

  • Let’s get out and celebrate, America 🙌 It’s finally #VoteEarlyDay! Still need some help so you’re #VoteReady? @[Business] and our friends at #VoteEarlyDay have you covered!
    • ☑️ Head to 
    • ☑️ Find out when and where you can vote today
    • ☑️ Go cast your ballot! 
    • ☑️ Celebrate 🎉
  • We wanna see those #VoteEarlyDay selfies! Tag us in your posts and stories as you celebrate casting that ballot EARLY 📸

If you have encountered a problem with voting, please call this national nonpartisan hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE.