Audience: people who previously indicated they were interested in coming to your activation
Use this script to follow up and give a quick reminder before the event.
Hello, is [their name] available? Hi [their name], this is [your name] with [Campus/Student Group], and I’m reaching out to remind you about our Vote Early Day celebration [tomorrow/on Tuesday].
We’ll be meeting at [location] at [time].
Can we still count on you to join us tomorrow?
[YES] – Awesome! We’ll see you tomorrow. [Give brief directions about how to get to the venue]
IMPORTANT: If attendees will be casting their ballot as part of your activation, double check the ID requirements in your state. If necessary, remind them now so people bring their IDs with them to the event. If your event is centered around a ballot drop box, remind them to bring their mail ballots with them.
[MAYBE] – We hope you’ll be able to make it! Last-minute problems always find a way of popping up on Election Day and can get in the way of you casting your ballot. This celebration is a great way to make sure you have time to vote early—and have fun while doing it!
IMPORTANT: If attendees will be casting their ballot as part of your activation, double check the ID requirements in your state. If necessary, remind them now so people bring their IDs with them to the event. If your event is centered around a ballot drop box, remind them to bring their mail ballots with them.
[NO] – No worries. We hope you’ll still vote early on or before Vote Early Day, October 28th! You can find your options to vote early at
Hi [their name], this is [your name] with [Campus/Student Group], and I’m calling to remind you about our Vote Early Day celebration [tomorrow/on Tuesday]. We’ll be [one sentence description of your event plans]. If you’re able to make it, please let me know at [contact info]. You can also go to our website at [your website] to find more details and sign up. Thanks so much for your time, and we hope to see you there!